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High-pressure airless spraying, also known as airless spraying, is a coating method that uses a high-pressure pump to pressurize the floor paint to high pressure, so that the floor material forms a fog, and then sprays out through a small hole in the nozzle to coat the surface of the workpiece. The advantages of using high pressure airless spraying for epoxy floor paint are as follows: in the construction of epoxy floor paint, using high pressure airless spraying can achieve better appearance than rolling coating. Higher gloss, higher wear resistance (airless spray floor paint hardly adds diluent). High pressure airless spraying method is used for floor paint construction.


1. When spraying epoxy floor paint, the spray gun should be perpendicular to the surface of the sprayed workpiece, 30-40 cm away from the surface. The spray gun should move evenly at an appropriate rate and parallel to the floor surface to avoid accumulation and uneven coating. The spray distance and vertical angle between the spray gun and the object surface are controlled by the body. The movement of the spray gun should also be assisted by the body to move the arm, not the wrist, but the wrist should be flexible.2、每一道喷漆作业就在前一道喷漆作业上搭接约20~30%,以便获得完整、均匀的涂层。喷拐角时,喷枪可对准拐角的中心,以确保两侧能得到均匀的喷涂。

2. Each painting operation laps about 20-30% on the previous painting operation in order to obtain a complete and uniform coating. When spraying corners, the spray gun can aim at the center of the corners to ensure uniform spraying on both sides.3、每次喷涂时应在喷枪移动时开启喷枪扳机,同样也应在喷枪移动时关闭喷枪扳机,如此可避免造成在表面过多的涂料堆积。

3. When spraying, the spray gun trigger should be opened when the spray gun moves, and the spray gun trigger should also be closed when the spray gun moves, so as to avoid excessive coating accumulation on the surface.4、相同的喷福宽度,孔径越大,成膜越厚。相同的喷嘴孔径,喷幅宽度越大,成膜越薄。

4. The bigger the aperture is, the thicker the film is. With the same nozzle aperture, the bigger the width of the nozzle is, the thinner the film is.


Attentions for high pressure airless spraying construction of floor paint:


1. Spraying pressure and flow rate. Pressure and flow rate are inversely proportional. The larger the flow rate, the smaller the pressure. When the pressure of compressed air is increased, the spraying pressure and flow rate will increase accordingly.2、喷嘴的选择。不同的涂料和喷涂物所使用的喷嘴也是不同的,喷嘴口径决定了流量的大小,形状则决定喷雾的幅度。所以对于年度较高,施工面积较大的涂料,就应该选择孔径较大的喷嘴。

2. Selection of nozzles. Different coatings and sprays also use different nozzles. The caliber of the nozzle determines the size of the flow, and the shape determines the amplitude of the spray. Therefore, for coatings with higher annual and larger construction area, the nozzle with larger aperture should be selected.3、地坪漆涂料粘度与喷涂压力。不同类型的涂料粘度就不同,特别市高固体分涂料粘度很大。对于粘度较高的涂料,施工时需要的喷涂压力就会比较大。

3. Viscosity and spraying pressure of floor paint. Different types of coatings have different viscosities, especially high solid coatings. For coatings with high viscosity, the spraying pressure required during construction will be relatively high. 

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