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When consumers choose to make epoxy floor paint, they usually ask different manufacturers for their prices, and they will find that the prices quoted by different manufacturers are different, even very different. The cheaper price may be more than 20 yuan, and the expensive price may be more than 100 yuan. Why? This is mainly due to the floor paint materials and the application of epoxy floor paint with different functions. Different construction technology, construction site ground condition, area, floor thickness will also have an impact on the quotation. The following epoxy floor paint manufacturers will give you a detailed analysis of the market floor paint construction quotation differences. 1、地坪漆功能类型的不同。在选择地坪漆的时候一般来说地坪漆厂家不会向你推荐地坪漆价格高的产品,也不会向你推荐地坪漆价格最低的产品,一般都会根据你的功能需求推荐最合适的产品。通常来说,地坪漆功能需求主要考虑物理机械性能:耐磨性、耐压性、耐冲击性;化学性能:耐酸碱性、耐溶剂性;美观要求:颜色、亮度、平整度。

1. Different functional types of floor paint. Generally speaking, when choosing floor paint, floor paint manufacturers will not recommend to you the products with high price, nor the products with the lowest price. Generally, they will recommend the most suitable products according to your functional requirements. Generally speaking, the functional requirements of floor paint mainly consider physical and mechanical properties: wear resistance, pressure resistance, impact resistance; chemical properties: acid and alkali resistance, solvent resistance; aesthetic requirements: color, brightness, smoothness.


2. Different materials of floor paint. Generally, the floor paint materials used by companies with very cheap price do not have quality assurance, and without the professional third party to test the quality, the quality of the floor paint materials can not be guaranteed. After a period of time, there will be many quality problems, which need to be repaired or even re-painted, resulting in significant losses. Therefore, when choosing floor paint, products with quality assurance and complete testing certificates should be selected.


3. Professional construction team. The success of a project depends not only on the quality of reliable materials and advanced mechanical tools, but also on the level of professional construction managers and the skills of construction workers. According to statistics, 80% of the engineering quality problems in floor paint industry come from the level of construction technology and the unprofessional workers. A professional construction team can ensure that the project is completed on time and in accordance with the quality standards.


Epoxy floor paint manufacturers remind you: when choosing the epoxy floor paint construction manufacturers, we must not be greedy for cheap. Choosing regular manufacturers is the key, and choosing epoxy floor paint materials with quality assurance. The quality of epoxy floor paint can be judged from the following points.


1. Pre-construction judgment:

a. 对环氧地坪漆外观效果的观察,色彩丰满、外观细腻、无分层沉淀、无不良气味等。

A. Observation of the appearance effect of epoxy floor paint, full color, exquisite appearance, no stratified precipitation, no bad odor, etc.

b. 对环氧地坪漆技术指标是否符合检测标准的判断,耐水性、耐碱性、对比率、耐污性、耐人工老化等。

B. Judgment of whether the technical index of epoxy floor paint meets the test standard, water resistance, alkali resistance, contrast ratio, pollution resistance, artificial aging resistance, etc.


2. Judgment in construction: mainly judge the leveling, covering force and gloss uniformity of epoxy floor paint in the construction process.


3. Judgment after construction: It mainly judges the pollution resistance, color retention and powdering degree of epoxy floor paint after construction.

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