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我们都知道盐城固化剂地坪漆施工对基础地面的要求比较高,要求基层水泥强度在C25以上,含水率在8%以下,无起砂起灰现象。但是你知道为什么无锡固化剂地坪漆施工对基面的要求这么高吗?下面无锡固化剂地坪漆厂家就给大家详细解答基层缺陷对南通固化剂地坪漆施工的影响。针对基面缺陷对无锡固化剂地坪漆施工造成的不良影响,施工前需要对基础地面进行以下处理: Epoxy we all know that the construction of epoxy floor paint requires higher requirements for the foundation floor, requiring the strength of the base cement to be above C25, moisture content below 8%, and no sand and ash phenomenon. But do you know why the construction of floor paint requires so high a base? The following epoxy floor paint manufacturers will give you a detailed answer to the impact of base defects on the construction of floor paint. In view of the adverse effects of base surface defects on the construction of epoxy floor paint, the following treatments are needed before construction: 1、 强度低:地坪漆行业一般要求水泥地面的压缩强度要大于25MPa,如果基面的强度过低会导致无锡固化剂地坪漆施工后的地面与基层的固着不牢,车间厂房地面长期有叉车行走,此时就会使得基层与无锡固化剂地坪地面一起拉裂。 1、 强度低:地坪漆行业一般要求水泥地面的压缩强度要大于25MPa,如果基面的强度过低会导致无锡固化剂地坪漆施工后的地面与基层的固着不牢,车间厂房地面长期有叉车行走,此时就会使得基层与无锡固化剂地坪地面一起拉裂。 2、 平整度:水泥地面不平整,将会影响整个无锡固化剂地坪的装饰效果,特别对于环氧自流平地坪,地面不平整会造成涂膜厚度不均匀,影响着涂膜的性能特点。 2. Flatness: The unevenness of cement floor will affect the decorative effect of the whole epoxy floor. Especially for the epoxy self-leveling floor, the unevenness of the ground will cause the uneven thickness of the film and affect the performance characteristics of the film. 3、 防水、防潮:无锡固化剂地坪漆施工前要注意基层做好防水、防潮处理,不然土壤中的水分会通过水泥地面的毛细孔作用上升到面层,影响地坪漆材料与混凝土的黏结,便会使得涂膜产生鼓泡、脱层等现象。 3. Waterproof and moisture-proof: Before the construction of epoxy floor paint, attention should be paid to the waterproof and moisture-proof treatment of the base layer, otherwise the moisture in the soil will rise to the surface layer through the capillary effect of the cement floor, which will affect the bonding between the floor paint material and concrete, and will cause blistering and delamination of the coating film. 4、 疏松:基层混凝土水泥地面疏松,会导致底漆的用量大大增加,并且在无锡固化剂地坪漆施工中存在大量的沙粒杂质,影响着施工效果,成本也会随之增大。 4. Porosity: Loose base concrete cement floor will lead to a large increase in the amount of primer, and there are a large number of sand impurities in the construction of epoxy floor paint, which will affect the construction effect, and the cost will also increase. 

针对基面缺陷对地坪漆施工造成的不良影响,施工前需要对基础环氧地面进行以下处理: In view of the adverse effect of base surface defect on floor paint construction, the following treatment should be carried out on the base epoxy floor before construction. 1、基层面上附着物的处理 1. Treatment of attachments on base surface 

在基层表面上,如水泥地面,会附着施工留下的水泥疙瘩、砂粒和浮浆(水泥游离碱性结晶体)等,这些基层附着物在施涂地坪底漆之前必须用磨光机或铲刀等施工工具清除干净。如基层存在用沥青填补的伸缩缝,必须将伸缩缝中的沥青全部挖出,然后灌入环氧砂浆,用金属抹刀抹至和周围基层水平。 On the surface of the base, such as the cement floor, there will be cement bumps, sand grains and floating slurry (cement free alkaline crystals) left by the construction. These base attachments must be cleaned by polishing machine or shovel knife before applying the floor primer. If there are expansion joints filled with asphalt in the base, the asphalt in the expansion joints must be digged out, then filled with epoxy mortar, and wiped with metal spatula to the level of the surrounding base. 2、油污的处理 2. Treatment of Oil Pollution 

对于工业地坪,可能会受到多种油污污染,对于油污污染过的地坪,该处混凝土的毛细孔已全部被油污填充,环氧类底漆不能渗入到混凝土中去,影响漆膜和底材的附着力,有时会引起缩孔等弊病,常用处理方法有以下几种:对表层较少的油污,可用硬毛刷蘸清洁剂或溶剂多次清洗;严重污染的地坪,建议用汽油或酒精燃烧方法去除;用研磨机除去污染的混凝土层;以上方法处理的地坪仍有油污泛出的地面,建议重新做混凝土。 For industrial floor, it may be polluted by many kinds of oil pollution. For the floor polluted by oil pollution, the capillary holes of the concrete are all filled with oil pollution. Epoxy primer can not penetrate into the concrete, which affects the adhesion of the film and the base material, and sometimes causes shrinkage holes and other defects. The common treatment methods are as follows: for less oil pollution on the surface, hard brush can be used to dip in clean. It is suggested to use gasoline or alcohol burning method to remove the seriously polluted floors, and grinding machine to remove the polluted concrete layer. The floors treated by the above methods still have oil-polluted floors, so it is suggested to make concrete again. 3、平整度的处理 3. Treatment of Flatness 

对于大面积的地坪的平整度要求为:3毫米误差(2米的测量段)、合格率85%,对平整度达不到要求的地方需要修补:用环氧砂浆或其它合适的材料对地面上的坑洞、不平整处修补1-3遍;用研磨机、铣刨机修整地面的平整度。 The flatness requirement for large area of the ground is: 3 mm error (2 m measurement section), 85% qualified rate. The places where the flatness can not meet the requirement need to be repaired: the holes and irregularities on the ground should be repaired 1-3 times with epoxy mortar or other suitable materials; and the flatness of the ground should be repaired with grinders and milling machines. 4、切割缝的处理 4. Treatment of Cutting Seam 

先将切割缝割成“V”型,清除干净缝内的杂物、碎石;2用环氧砂浆填平切割缝;将两侧打磨平整一致。 Firstly, the cutting seam is cut into "V" type, and the debris and debris in the clean seam are removed; secondly, the cutting seam is filled with epoxy mortar; and the two sides are polished uniformly. 

5、结构缝的处理 5. Treatment of structural joints 

先将缝两侧的松动部分凿掉成如下方型,目的是修补后的环氧砂浆部分下面有一个承重面;清除干净缝内的杂物、碎石;中间用PE泡沫(分两段)填充保护后,两边用环氧砂浆填平;待环氧砂浆干燥后,将上面一段PE泡沫拿掉,用弹性密封胶填平;将两侧打磨平整一致。 First, the loose parts on both sides of the seam are chipped into the following square shape. The purpose is to repair the epoxy mortar part with a load-bearing surface below; remove the debris and gravel from the clean seam; fill with PE foam in two parts, and use epoxy mortar to fill the sides. After drying the epoxy mortar, remove the upper PE foam and fill it with elastic sealant. 6、裂缝的处理 6. Treatment of cracks 

先将裂缝处切割成“V”型,清除干净缝内的杂物、碎石;用环氧砂浆或其它合适的材料填平,干燥后打磨平整。 Firstly, the cracks are cut into "V" shape, and the debris and debris in the cracks are removed. Then, the cracks are filled with epoxy mortar or other suitable materials and ground flat after drying. 7、地砖接缝的处理 7. Treatment of floor tile joints 

清除接缝之间的灰尘和杂质;用环氧砂浆或其它合适的材料填平,干燥后打磨平整。 Remove dust and impurities between joints; fill with epoxy mortar or other suitable materials, and grind flat after drying. 

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